Bones, Calcium, Protein, Magnesium and Puberty

19/07/2012 12:58

When we talk about growing we often think about the kids and how big they become in just a matter of time. During the growing age, proper nutrition is very essential because growth will be stunted if the necessary nutrients needed in growth are not supplied. With appropriate nutrition, the full potential growth of a child will be fully harnessed. In this article I will share to you the relationship of bones, calcium, protein magnesium and puberty.

Bones need calcium in order to maintain its strength and density. With the help of the human growth hormone from the pituitary gland, the bones in the legs epiphysis will grow thus making growing possible. Growth hormones production is dependent on the nutrition the person intakes. Fewer nutrients mean lesser production of the human growth hormone. Protein or the amino acid is the building blocks of the human growth hormone and responsible for tissue repair and growth.

The bones or the skeletal system is responsible for the growth and development of the body, without bone mass the body will not be able to make bigger muscle mass because the bones cannot support the weight. Height is also determined by the bones ability to grow and having adequate calcium and magnesium intake and absorption ensures that.

Magnesium in the other hand contributes in the immune system, regular blood sugar and blood pressure level, energy metabolism, protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function and bone strength. Deficiency of this nutrient can cause diabetes, poor nail growth, low blood pressure and irritable bowel disease for children.

To supplement your child of these vital nutrients, feed them with food rich in magnesium and calcium such as dairy products, green leafy vegetables, nuts, tofu, legumes, pumpkin and squash seeds. If you cannot provide these foods in a daily basis, you can consult a physician for prescription of supplements.